One of the joys of my quick 10 minute drive to work when the traffic is crap is that I could pull out my PSP
and play it while I waited for the light to turn. Some of you might think that that is horrible and I could be placing other people in danger with this, however there are far more issues with driving that this that occur in my town.
My beef is this. I am currently working on FFV and possibly looking at doing a long haul on the DSlite
with some other games. Now FFV Advance
is a GBA game and it works on my DS, however since it is not a DS game I can't just close the screen and it will freeze it where I am and allow me to start back off immediately, as well as not burn the battery down. That is what I loved about my PSP. I could put it on standby, and then when I knew I could slip in a couple of minutes I would just fire up the machine and have no problems. However with having to start the DS, select the game, click start at the start screen, skip the little montage at the beginning, click to load my game, and begin time has passed. Precious time. Time that I could have been playing the game and forget about the monotony of this damn left turn light. Or even worse, the traffic light on Paulson. That is a complete cluster if I have ever seen one.
Simply put, I just want to have a quick start and end from and to standby. If not then I feel like this might be a little long to get through things.
My beef is this. I am currently working on FFV and possibly looking at doing a long haul on the DSlite
Simply put, I just want to have a quick start and end from and to standby. If not then I feel like this might be a little long to get through things.
You can do eeeeet! I believe in you.