Sunday, April 7, 2013

End of a Legacy (concerning Italians)

I was finally able to sit down and play Assassin's Creed: Revelations (ACR).

This game has has been sitting in my house screaming to be played for quite awhile now.  With me having most of my mornings open now that my wonderful wife is working in the school system, I get to spend most of my playing time during the early hours of the day.  By early I mean between 8am to 1pm.  I run into the problem of not wanting to stop when it is getting near time to go to work. I have somethings I need to work on with that.  Can't always show up to work late.  Or can I???

ACII was the first of the series that I played, introducing me to Ezio.  After playing ACB, ACR continues the development and gives a well deserved ending to Ezio's story.  Ezio started as a pompous ass (typical Italian...I kid) to me, but I did not plan on him growing on me the way that he did.  I don't know when it started with the three games, but it happened.  I felt very upset about my journey with him ending.  Just watching him pass the reign onto the next ancestor actually made me choke up.  Removing his blades like turning the light off at work for the last time.  It got me just a little.

After pouring my feelings out, lets talk about my thoughts on the game.  The setting is Constantinople.  Ezio is  in search of keys that will unlock a library vault that was built by Altair Ibn-La'Ahad (the Assassin from AC).  Without going into too much detail, Templars are involved as you journey to find the five keys.  I mean Templars are always involved.  Its kid of a mainstay thing to the series.  If you have never realized that then I beg you just hit yourself until the concussion forms.

Other tie-ins are that you finally see the future wife of Ezio.  Yeah, had has always been a ladies man, but its nice to see him settle down with someone.  Or maybe he doesn't.  There is always the chance of the dead-beat dad thing.

I am trying my best to not go into too much detail of the game.  I believe that spoilers are not an issue after 6 months for a game, yet I don't want people to worry about that here.

Knowing what I have said about Ezio, ACR also looks into the history of Desmond.  You learn a lot about Desmond's history and why he left the Assassin order.  You learn more about Subject 16.  And as I already said you finish the Ezio arc.  I mean come one.  That right there is enough reason to play this game.

Things can't always be sunshine and rainbows.  There are issues with the game, but almost all games have issues.  As with with the AC series there are always little bugs and glitches, especially seen with the amazing graphics and scenery that they put into the game.  Sometimes you might have a big brown or grey cone through the screen, but you honestly have to breathe and take into account that sometimes small mistakes get through on the enormous masterpiece.  All of these, plus some freezing issues here and there are some of the reasons why I wait to buy games so that patches can be put out.  Big games like these will always have patches.  They are not bad at all.  Hell, I consider them a good thing since it shows that the company cares enough about the product to fix things.

The side quests were easy for me.  They are pretty much the same as the last two games.  Build stores.  Claim territory.  Recruit.  Wash.  Rinse.  Repeat.  its a code that I have figured out and was able to monopolize and establish near full control within the first few sequences.  Damn OCD.  It is something I always do.

I also had issues with the Ottomans and the Byzantines.  I know the overall history of the area.  Its not foreign to me.  My problem is that unless you read all of the data entries in the game, even multiple times, their role in the game is confusing.  I don't know why and I just can't place my finger on why its so confusing.  It befuddles me.

At the end of it all I am upset this is Ezio's end.  I hope (however I have already beaten AC3) that the next protagonist, Connor, will be worth not ending the story of Desmond with Ezio.

I did beat AC:R, and I will revisit this later on, probably during Extra-Life to try my hand at a Complete.

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