I was going to update this week, and I had half a post done. But I have been traveling for work a lot this week.
A hell of a lot.
So I am going to get the post I was working on done and posted for Wednesday. It will be a game conclusive post.
Thank you for hanging with me.
I have a list of about 110 games that I owned but never beaten. So I have decided to write about my time getting through these games and my experiences.
Sunday, April 21, 2013
Sunday, April 14, 2013
Gaming Together
When I was growing up I never played two player games that much. I mean I played a lot games that had two, sometimes three, player options on them. Secret of Mana is one. In fact, that is an amazing game and most likely one of the greatest of all time (damn do they need a sequel to that).
I just chose to play games by myself cause I am a depressing loner (I swear I am not that emo). I retract the depressing loner statement and add that I am just a tad introverted. I liked to just hang out at home by myself at times. No problems with that at all.
Nowadays I still play many games by myself, but I have a few that allow for more than one player to enjoy at one time. A lot of these are on the Wii, or really any Nintendo platform. Nintendo makes good multiplayer, non-shooting, games for people to enjoy with others in the living room.
Now I come to Super Mario Galaxy for the Wii. My mother graciously got the game for me for Christmas and the wife and I started playing it about a month ago. We haven't played too many games together (really, its probably under the amount of 5) and my wife loves the Mario series. She is a huge fan of Super Mario 2 and 3. She is the boss at Super Mario 3.
So the wife says that she wants to play Galaxy one day, and I say sure. Its setup so that if you play with a second person, the first player does all the controls of Mario, and the second player is there mostly to help pick up star fragments, shoot them at enemies, and talk with you about things. Knowing this I told her she should be the first player and I would be second player. We started off with this setup and were doing great until having to fight the prequel boss. Its really hard to keep Mario moving and the world be on a 3D planet that moves around. Makes my damn head hurt a lot.
So we realized that maybe we should change things up and have me "drive" the adventure and the wife would man the co-pilot. The game became a lot more fun.
From inappropriate comments about shooting stars at certain things mouths (plus their reaction/enjoyment of a tasty treat for them), to figuring out how to get through different obstacles, to just staying up later than we normally do because we are enjoying the moment with each other. All of it is amazing. I love playing games with my wife. I found it funny that the first time we went a couple of days without playing she texted me to say that she was really hoping to play tonight. We have kicked major ass and are at level 3.1.
Don't get me wrong. Its not a secret that a lot of male gamers would love to be in a relationship with someone who plays games with them. Who appreciates them as much as them. I have for years wanted my wife to do that. But now, just playing the game together I am discovered that I am glad she isn't as much of a gamer as me.
I am not as hardcore a gamer as others, but I do play frequently. I also know my information and can hold up pretty well with others. So thinking that I want that special someone in my life to be at that same level is a little frightening. Yeah it would be cool at first, but then we would probably spend a lot of time just playing games and competing between each other without going out and enjoying new things. My wife loves to run. Hell she ran a marathon. She has gotten me to run a little here and there, something that I would not have probably done on my own. I have experienced art museums, owning a kickass dog, and lots of other things that I might not do by myself, or by having someone who is just like me.
Now my wife just playing Mario games, and really small mobile puzzle games is great. Because when she sits down and watches me play games, she sometimes asks questions about the story or what is happening. She can get into things or just sit and read, knowing that I am getting some enjoyment in my moments of just escaping. A little game therapy. However its when she plays games on a console that my eyes light up. She has this fascination with the games. So much fun playing and enjoying them that I sometimes end up thinking "when was the last time I had this kind of exposure to a game where I was so in touch with things"? I am not saying my wife is a little child, however she plays things with the enthusiasm of a person coming to it for the first time. I love that.
This is something that I wouldn't have if I married a gamer. This is something that would be rare if nonexistent if I married someone who played games as much as me. I would not get this inspiration to look more into the games I choose if I didn't see the face my wife makes when playing Mario. I love my wife, and this is something that makes me love her even more.
I just chose to play games by myself cause I am a depressing loner (I swear I am not that emo). I retract the depressing loner statement and add that I am just a tad introverted. I liked to just hang out at home by myself at times. No problems with that at all.
Nowadays I still play many games by myself, but I have a few that allow for more than one player to enjoy at one time. A lot of these are on the Wii, or really any Nintendo platform. Nintendo makes good multiplayer, non-shooting, games for people to enjoy with others in the living room.
Now I come to Super Mario Galaxy for the Wii. My mother graciously got the game for me for Christmas and the wife and I started playing it about a month ago. We haven't played too many games together (really, its probably under the amount of 5) and my wife loves the Mario series. She is a huge fan of Super Mario 2 and 3. She is the boss at Super Mario 3.
So the wife says that she wants to play Galaxy one day, and I say sure. Its setup so that if you play with a second person, the first player does all the controls of Mario, and the second player is there mostly to help pick up star fragments, shoot them at enemies, and talk with you about things. Knowing this I told her she should be the first player and I would be second player. We started off with this setup and were doing great until having to fight the prequel boss. Its really hard to keep Mario moving and the world be on a 3D planet that moves around. Makes my damn head hurt a lot.
So we realized that maybe we should change things up and have me "drive" the adventure and the wife would man the co-pilot. The game became a lot more fun.
From inappropriate comments about shooting stars at certain things mouths (plus their reaction/enjoyment of a tasty treat for them), to figuring out how to get through different obstacles, to just staying up later than we normally do because we are enjoying the moment with each other. All of it is amazing. I love playing games with my wife. I found it funny that the first time we went a couple of days without playing she texted me to say that she was really hoping to play tonight. We have kicked major ass and are at level 3.1.
Don't get me wrong. Its not a secret that a lot of male gamers would love to be in a relationship with someone who plays games with them. Who appreciates them as much as them. I have for years wanted my wife to do that. But now, just playing the game together I am discovered that I am glad she isn't as much of a gamer as me.
I am not as hardcore a gamer as others, but I do play frequently. I also know my information and can hold up pretty well with others. So thinking that I want that special someone in my life to be at that same level is a little frightening. Yeah it would be cool at first, but then we would probably spend a lot of time just playing games and competing between each other without going out and enjoying new things. My wife loves to run. Hell she ran a marathon. She has gotten me to run a little here and there, something that I would not have probably done on my own. I have experienced art museums, owning a kickass dog, and lots of other things that I might not do by myself, or by having someone who is just like me.
Now my wife just playing Mario games, and really small mobile puzzle games is great. Because when she sits down and watches me play games, she sometimes asks questions about the story or what is happening. She can get into things or just sit and read, knowing that I am getting some enjoyment in my moments of just escaping. A little game therapy. However its when she plays games on a console that my eyes light up. She has this fascination with the games. So much fun playing and enjoying them that I sometimes end up thinking "when was the last time I had this kind of exposure to a game where I was so in touch with things"? I am not saying my wife is a little child, however she plays things with the enthusiasm of a person coming to it for the first time. I love that.
This is something that I wouldn't have if I married a gamer. This is something that would be rare if nonexistent if I married someone who played games as much as me. I would not get this inspiration to look more into the games I choose if I didn't see the face my wife makes when playing Mario. I love my wife, and this is something that makes me love her even more.
Friday, April 12, 2013
Out of Order and I know it
For those of you who follow this blog as well as look at my Backloggery page you might see that I am posting about games that I finished months ago. I am not really talking about the games that I am currently playing.
Well this is part of what happens when you don't tend to your blog for awhile. /slapface
I stopped blogging because of real life occurring, as well as I didn't have the drive to sit down and type things out. I did my best to try and scribble out notes once I finished a game, however I stopped doing that mostly because its hard for my to type up what I write and not thinking I am a blooming moron.
Out of the games that I have finished I will only post on the few that I know I could easily type up. That I know are worth the conversation. I might skip over some, or mention them in a short post, but I will get through those games.
I will also post on my current gaming experiences as they happen. I might dedicate one day to games I have Beaten/Completed, and then the other day of the week that I post to my current activities.
I think that sounds like a good plan.
Yeah, a damn good plan.
Well this is part of what happens when you don't tend to your blog for awhile. /slapface
I stopped blogging because of real life occurring, as well as I didn't have the drive to sit down and type things out. I did my best to try and scribble out notes once I finished a game, however I stopped doing that mostly because its hard for my to type up what I write and not thinking I am a blooming moron.
Out of the games that I have finished I will only post on the few that I know I could easily type up. That I know are worth the conversation. I might skip over some, or mention them in a short post, but I will get through those games.
I will also post on my current gaming experiences as they happen. I might dedicate one day to games I have Beaten/Completed, and then the other day of the week that I post to my current activities.
I think that sounds like a good plan.
Yeah, a damn good plan.
Thursday, April 11, 2013
Dissidia Final Fantasy...... Disappointment
![]() |
from www.neoseeker.com |
Why am I sad?? It clearly isn't because the game is over.
I am sad because the game really did not start for me. I was so horribly disappointed with the product that SE made that I want to hit myself repeatedly. Just enough so a smile will spread over my face before I succumb to the coma.
Then in said coma I will compose the greatness that could have occurred in Dissidia properly so maybe my happiness will wake me up so I can get on with this speck of life on a floating rotating rock in the grand universe.
That was weirdly, depressing and deep.
Years ago I played a game called Ehrgeiz for Playstation. It was advertised that you could play as Sephiroth, as well as other characters from FFVII. I was obsessed with FFVII at the time so I thought this was going to be an amazing game. Going to be the greatest of great ever.
I was disappointed. I just never could get into the game that much. I don't know what it was. Maybe I just didn't understand the story that well. Maybe fighting games are not my thing. Who knows. All I know is that when I saw Dissidia Final Fantasy I thought that this was going to blow Ehrgeiz out of the water. I was going to love it. I had to love it since it had all the main heros and villians from each FF game.
It didn't live up to the hype that I placed on it. And that pissed me off.
There are four game options to the game.
The first is the lackluster arcade mode. You have to fight off enemies one after another. I did this when I wanted to be distracted for 5 minutes. It was not enjoyable to me at all. I like in Tekken how they did this option, and other fighting games. But it was so nerfed in Dissidia that I couldn't take it.
The second was the multiplayer. I never used the multiplayer. My PSP has issues with getting online, plus I just didn't feel much of a draw to play with others. I am such a loner. Nah. I just don't play a lot of multiplayer games.
The third was the Quick Battle system. I actually played this a lot. I enjoyed this system a lot. Basically, you would select a character to play as (good or bad), and then any other character (good or bad) fight against, any stage to fight in, and then their strength. I used this to level up my characters so I could get through the story easier. That was the main reason at first. But then it got addicting when I would build up my little chocobo level thingy, get lots of gil and ap, and really want revenge on that damn villain for kicking my ass over and over again. This is what should have been emphasized more. I don't know how but damnit make it so.
The fourth system to talk about is the Story mode. The meat and potatoes of the game. Basically take the quick battle system, put a story and journey behind things and you have the story mode. You went through the 10 heroes stories individually, playing as each. You would unlock rewards, equipment, summons, level skills, all of that. The story though was what got me.
Somehow everyone has amnesia, but they are chasing after their respective enemy. Well, the heroes have amnesia. The villains now the past it seems. For the most part they would make things way too hokey, too kid like that I couldn't digest it. You take characters like Cloud, Squall, Zidane, and Tidus and make them just seem off from how we remember them from their respective FF game. You would take characters from FFII-FFV and add more to them as a character that look like you trying. Hell, they took the Warrior of Light from FFI and gave him dialogue and a story. He was my favorite character in this car wreck of pixels. I think it was because he didn't have so much a back story as everyone else. It just worked.
Once you get through the 10 storylines, you then get several additional storylines that follow additional events.
I liked how raw and dark the story was. How downright depressing it sometimes could get. This is what I wanted. I spent hours going through happytown to get to something that was equal to a FF game.
And then it was over.
Final CS plays (I really like the final CS. In fact all of the cutscenes were beautiful) and the game is over.
Now there are some extra parts that I could play through, however I didn't have it in for me. This was a title that I quickly realized that I was going to put down once I Beat it.
Would I recommend it to people to play?
Ehhh. If you want to spend the discounted money on it, then do it up. Don't worry about searching for it though. Its not that desperate of a situation to play the game I would say.
In the end, I might pick this up to work on getting a Complete when I do Extra-Life in November. Who knows.
New Post
I know its a little late, but I was slammed with work all day yesterday.
But wait for it..........
New post coming in less than a minute.
But wait for it..........
New post coming in less than a minute.
Sunday, April 7, 2013
End of a Legacy (concerning Italians)
I was finally able to sit down and play Assassin's Creed: Revelations (ACR).
This game has has been sitting in my house screaming to be played for quite awhile now. With me having most of my mornings open now that my wonderful wife is working in the school system, I get to spend most of my playing time during the early hours of the day. By early I mean between 8am to 1pm. I run into the problem of not wanting to stop when it is getting near time to go to work. I have somethings I need to work on with that. Can't always show up to work late. Or can I???
ACII was the first of the series that I played, introducing me to Ezio. After playing ACB, ACR continues the development and gives a well deserved ending to Ezio's story. Ezio started as a pompous ass (typical Italian...I kid) to me, but I did not plan on him growing on me the way that he did. I don't know when it started with the three games, but it happened. I felt very upset about my journey with him ending. Just watching him pass the reign onto the next ancestor actually made me choke up. Removing his blades like turning the light off at work for the last time. It got me just a little.
After pouring my feelings out, lets talk about my thoughts on the game. The setting is Constantinople. Ezio is in search of keys that will unlock a library vault that was built by Altair Ibn-La'Ahad (the Assassin from AC). Without going into too much detail, Templars are involved as you journey to find the five keys. I mean Templars are always involved. Its kid of a mainstay thing to the series. If you have never realized that then I beg you just hit yourself until the concussion forms.
Other tie-ins are that you finally see the future wife of Ezio. Yeah, had has always been a ladies man, but its nice to see him settle down with someone. Or maybe he doesn't. There is always the chance of the dead-beat dad thing.
I am trying my best to not go into too much detail of the game. I believe that spoilers are not an issue after 6 months for a game, yet I don't want people to worry about that here.
Knowing what I have said about Ezio, ACR also looks into the history of Desmond. You learn a lot about Desmond's history and why he left the Assassin order. You learn more about Subject 16. And as I already said you finish the Ezio arc. I mean come one. That right there is enough reason to play this game.
Things can't always be sunshine and rainbows. There are issues with the game, but almost all games have issues. As with with the AC series there are always little bugs and glitches, especially seen with the amazing graphics and scenery that they put into the game. Sometimes you might have a big brown or grey cone through the screen, but you honestly have to breathe and take into account that sometimes small mistakes get through on the enormous masterpiece. All of these, plus some freezing issues here and there are some of the reasons why I wait to buy games so that patches can be put out. Big games like these will always have patches. They are not bad at all. Hell, I consider them a good thing since it shows that the company cares enough about the product to fix things.
The side quests were easy for me. They are pretty much the same as the last two games. Build stores. Claim territory. Recruit. Wash. Rinse. Repeat. its a code that I have figured out and was able to monopolize and establish near full control within the first few sequences. Damn OCD. It is something I always do.
I also had issues with the Ottomans and the Byzantines. I know the overall history of the area. Its not foreign to me. My problem is that unless you read all of the data entries in the game, even multiple times, their role in the game is confusing. I don't know why and I just can't place my finger on why its so confusing. It befuddles me.
At the end of it all I am upset this is Ezio's end. I hope (however I have already beaten AC3) that the next protagonist, Connor, will be worth not ending the story of Desmond with Ezio.
I did beat AC:R, and I will revisit this later on, probably during Extra-Life to try my hand at a Complete.
This game has has been sitting in my house screaming to be played for quite awhile now. With me having most of my mornings open now that my wonderful wife is working in the school system, I get to spend most of my playing time during the early hours of the day. By early I mean between 8am to 1pm. I run into the problem of not wanting to stop when it is getting near time to go to work. I have somethings I need to work on with that. Can't always show up to work late. Or can I???
ACII was the first of the series that I played, introducing me to Ezio. After playing ACB, ACR continues the development and gives a well deserved ending to Ezio's story. Ezio started as a pompous ass (typical Italian...I kid) to me, but I did not plan on him growing on me the way that he did. I don't know when it started with the three games, but it happened. I felt very upset about my journey with him ending. Just watching him pass the reign onto the next ancestor actually made me choke up. Removing his blades like turning the light off at work for the last time. It got me just a little.
After pouring my feelings out, lets talk about my thoughts on the game. The setting is Constantinople. Ezio is in search of keys that will unlock a library vault that was built by Altair Ibn-La'Ahad (the Assassin from AC). Without going into too much detail, Templars are involved as you journey to find the five keys. I mean Templars are always involved. Its kid of a mainstay thing to the series. If you have never realized that then I beg you just hit yourself until the concussion forms.
Other tie-ins are that you finally see the future wife of Ezio. Yeah, had has always been a ladies man, but its nice to see him settle down with someone. Or maybe he doesn't. There is always the chance of the dead-beat dad thing.
I am trying my best to not go into too much detail of the game. I believe that spoilers are not an issue after 6 months for a game, yet I don't want people to worry about that here.
Knowing what I have said about Ezio, ACR also looks into the history of Desmond. You learn a lot about Desmond's history and why he left the Assassin order. You learn more about Subject 16. And as I already said you finish the Ezio arc. I mean come one. That right there is enough reason to play this game.
Things can't always be sunshine and rainbows. There are issues with the game, but almost all games have issues. As with with the AC series there are always little bugs and glitches, especially seen with the amazing graphics and scenery that they put into the game. Sometimes you might have a big brown or grey cone through the screen, but you honestly have to breathe and take into account that sometimes small mistakes get through on the enormous masterpiece. All of these, plus some freezing issues here and there are some of the reasons why I wait to buy games so that patches can be put out. Big games like these will always have patches. They are not bad at all. Hell, I consider them a good thing since it shows that the company cares enough about the product to fix things.
The side quests were easy for me. They are pretty much the same as the last two games. Build stores. Claim territory. Recruit. Wash. Rinse. Repeat. its a code that I have figured out and was able to monopolize and establish near full control within the first few sequences. Damn OCD. It is something I always do.
I also had issues with the Ottomans and the Byzantines. I know the overall history of the area. Its not foreign to me. My problem is that unless you read all of the data entries in the game, even multiple times, their role in the game is confusing. I don't know why and I just can't place my finger on why its so confusing. It befuddles me.
At the end of it all I am upset this is Ezio's end. I hope (however I have already beaten AC3) that the next protagonist, Connor, will be worth not ending the story of Desmond with Ezio.
I did beat AC:R, and I will revisit this later on, probably during Extra-Life to try my hand at a Complete.
Damn do I suck
I suck.
I make all these plans to post on here.
I garner your attention and love, and then I smash it because I am unable to deliver.
Well I am going to change that.
I have an entry that I have been working on for the better part of 5 weeks that I will finish and post today. You will then get an entry on Wednesday. I guarantee.
I will then work on updating The List page so that it shows the current games I am working on.
Thank you!!
I suck.
I make all these plans to post on here.
I garner your attention and love, and then I smash it because I am unable to deliver.
Well I am going to change that.
I have an entry that I have been working on for the better part of 5 weeks that I will finish and post today. You will then get an entry on Wednesday. I guarantee.
I will then work on updating The List page so that it shows the current games I am working on.
Thank you!!
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