Sunday, April 24, 2011

OH NO!!!! Its Mitochondria!!!

Oh the glories of a classic PS game.  How great it is to be able to play this on the PSP.  Makes it soo much more enjoyable.  I honestly believe that they should put all Playstation games on the PSP, but thats for another day.

This game combines elements of RPG, Action, and some Adventure.  It follows the story of Aya, a NYPD officer who investigates horrible murders and deaths that are at the hand of this being calling herself Eve.  I won't get too much into detail, but its a game that people who enjoy the classics and the old days of Squaresoft, they should give it a shot.

Before I continue, let me say that there will be at times a Spoiler in the blog.  Its something that I won't try to help against.  I feel that it is a waste of your time if I sit here and say "Well, this happened here and this thing jumped out and I was like WHOA this thing is crazy looking etc."  But to be kind, I will try to put SPOILER!! before I get into things that could compromise your experience of the game.


So I am currently at the part in Chinatown when you have to run around the sewers shooting bats and snakes.  Now, being a RPG player I immediately believe that there is some specific path you have to take to unlock the proper route through the sewers.  Well, running around like an idiot in pretty much a circle for about 25 minutes I take a right and discover there was no mystery.  Yeah.  It was that moment that I put the game down and decided to stop for a bit.  After cruising the internet I found myself looking at the website (which honestly, if you need some help on a game, this is usually the first place you should look).

So I have myself right before a boss and decided to just type up some notes on the subject.  I loved how I felt that this was cutting edge graphics and story back during the PSone days.  Now I notice the monotony in trying to use an Analog stick when it was meant for a D-pad.  Yet, you get by and you enjoy it.

One of the things though that annoys me on this game is the inventory limit.  I know as someone who truly loves a good RPG concept that inventory space limitation would add to the experience, but I hate having to take an extra 20 minutes to haul my stuff to the damn police HQ so I can't get the good weapon that drops from the boss that I am soon going to face.  Maybe this will change for PE2 (I should know since I started to play it a looong time ago, however I have forgotten).

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