Sunday, April 24, 2011


The disc change screen.  It can either be a blessing or a curse, depending on the game and the person you are.  After getting the disc change screen in PE, I remembered my past with them.  Some games will have you save at the screen while others won't (PE is not one of those, at least on the PSP).  These screens though are great for you to see where you are.  Well...sometimes.

I am about 8.5 hours into PE when I get the screen when I am near the bridge. YAY  I should be halfway.  Right??  Cause I am enjoying the game, but part of me feels like I have been trudging along and its been a battle to get closer and closer to the end.  So I decide to look on to check where I am?  It seems that I am almost 3/4 of the way done.

Yes I should be excited to be past halfway, but part of me thinks that I should have gotten this screen earlier.  But then under closer examination I start to think that if I am past halfway now, then this crazy story needed maybe a little more length and depth to it.  Yes, it is a great game and plot, but maybe a little bit more.  I could be proved wrong though and everything will happen at the end, which sometimes happens with a Squaresoft game.

P.S.  It could also be blamed that the tech at the time of the PS was not large enough to hold all the data needed on a disc to make half of it on one disc and another half on the other.  Which is cool however sometimes ports of games onto another platform should be improved with no disc change if it were warranted.

OH NO!!!! Its Mitochondria!!!

Oh the glories of a classic PS game.  How great it is to be able to play this on the PSP.  Makes it soo much more enjoyable.  I honestly believe that they should put all Playstation games on the PSP, but thats for another day.

This game combines elements of RPG, Action, and some Adventure.  It follows the story of Aya, a NYPD officer who investigates horrible murders and deaths that are at the hand of this being calling herself Eve.  I won't get too much into detail, but its a game that people who enjoy the classics and the old days of Squaresoft, they should give it a shot.

Before I continue, let me say that there will be at times a Spoiler in the blog.  Its something that I won't try to help against.  I feel that it is a waste of your time if I sit here and say "Well, this happened here and this thing jumped out and I was like WHOA this thing is crazy looking etc."  But to be kind, I will try to put SPOILER!! before I get into things that could compromise your experience of the game.


So I am currently at the part in Chinatown when you have to run around the sewers shooting bats and snakes.  Now, being a RPG player I immediately believe that there is some specific path you have to take to unlock the proper route through the sewers.  Well, running around like an idiot in pretty much a circle for about 25 minutes I take a right and discover there was no mystery.  Yeah.  It was that moment that I put the game down and decided to stop for a bit.  After cruising the internet I found myself looking at the website (which honestly, if you need some help on a game, this is usually the first place you should look).

So I have myself right before a boss and decided to just type up some notes on the subject.  I loved how I felt that this was cutting edge graphics and story back during the PSone days.  Now I notice the monotony in trying to use an Analog stick when it was meant for a D-pad.  Yet, you get by and you enjoy it.

One of the things though that annoys me on this game is the inventory limit.  I know as someone who truly loves a good RPG concept that inventory space limitation would add to the experience, but I hate having to take an extra 20 minutes to haul my stuff to the damn police HQ so I can't get the good weapon that drops from the boss that I am soon going to face.  Maybe this will change for PE2 (I should know since I started to play it a looong time ago, however I have forgotten).

Thursday, April 21, 2011

The Beginning

So the story is this.  After many times of trying to figure out which game to play on my days off, I sat down and made a list of all the games that I had collected in the past 11-12 years for the Playstation consoles.  It was a lot.  I seemed to have collected and collected, and when I played them I had stopped one game to start playing another.  Hell, I found that a lot of times I would be close to beating a game and just stop on it.  BLAH

To stop myself from continuing this constant never beat a game but buy more I promised myself and my fiance that I would hold off on buying any new game or Downloadable Content (DLC) until I have removed 2-3 games from my list.  Thats the main rule.  The other rules are as follow:

  • I will start all games on the list from the beginning.  This is to allow me to relearn the story and enjoy the game in full.
  • I will not play more than 2 games at a time (one on a console, and one on a mobile platform i.e. PSP, DS.
  • I will try to provide a write up of each game that I play as I play it on this blog.
  • Last, when it comes to FFXI and other MMORPG, even though there is no real end to the game, I will try my best to complete the storylines that are available, but may play this game at any time.  I must however go back to the console game that I was playing before I started FFXI.
These rules are finite and can only be added to if needed, however I may not take off any of them.

Now with that done lets get the list up:

FFXIII PS3 Completed on 4/16/11
FFXIII: Aftergame missions     PS3 
FFXI PS2  Ongoing
Crisis Core PSP
Final Fantasy Tactics PSP
Fallout 3 PS3
Fallout 3: Broken Steel  PS3
Fallout: New Vegas PS3
Assassins Creed: Brotherhood PS3  Completed
Assassins Creed: Brotherhood: The Da Vinci Disappearence PS3  DLC
Grand Theft Auto 4 PS3
Grand Theft Auto 3 PS2
GTA: Vice City PS2
GTA: San Andreas PS2
Parasite Eve PS/PSP
Parasite Eve 2 PS
Vagrant Stories PS/PSP
Wild Arms PS/PSP
Wild Arms 2 PS/PSP
Star Ocean PSP
Star Ocean 2 PS
Star Ocean: Till the End of Time PS2
Radiata Stories PS2
Shadow Hearts PS2
Shadow Hearts: Covenant PS2
Azure Dreams PS
.Hack//GU Vol. 1 Rebirth PS2
White Knight Chronicles PS3
Gran Turismo 5 PS3
Legend of Dragoon PS
Chrono Trigger PS
Chrono Cross PS
Monster Rancher PS
Monster Seed PS
Arc the Lad: Twilight of the Spirits PS2
Dark Cloud PS2
Dark Cload 2 PS2
Draken: The Ancient Gates PS2
Gran Turismo 4 PS2
Jade Cocoon 2 PS2
Legaia 2: Duel Saga PS2
Orphen: Scion of Sorcery PS2
Onimusha 2: Samurai's Destiny PS2
Samurai Legend: Musashi PS2
Shinobi PS2
Suikoden III PS2
Suikoden IV PS2
Summoner 2 PS2
Tenchu: Wrath of Heaven PS2
Unlimited Saga PS2
Wild Arms 3 PS2
Wild Arms Alter Code: F PS2
Xenosaga II PS2
Ys: Ark of Naphishtia PS2
Xenogears PS/PSP
Pokemon Platinum DS
Pokemon Diamond DS

As you can tell I have already completed two on the list and there are many more to go.  Currently I am working on Fallout 3 on PS3 and Parasite Eve on the PSP.  I will talk about these games though in another post.  For now, enjoy!!