Finally got another one done. Heck yeah.
Final completion time:
Take that and add it to total and you get:
This works out to be:
5 Days, 20 Hours, 41 Minutes, 31 Seconds.
Its weird that it has taken me this long to beat Crisis Core. I think the only distraction that I found with this one was the fact that the Missions can take soooo long to complete if you plan on doing a 100% completion.
Did I beat all the missions??
I just couldn't keep going. I was sitting there on the edge of the end and the call of another game off the list (+FFXIII-2 calling out to me) I decided to take the plunge. Will I go back later and replay the game in the New Game+ feature and do a 100% completion?
Yes. That won't be for a little while though. I need to decompress some.
Lets get to the game though.
I liked the story a lot. Its weird when you play a prequel and you know how things are going to end. The real talent in the game design rests in how the story is made from already existing elements. I think they did a great job at answering a lot of questions that people probably had on the origins of some of the characters for FFVII. I had always felt as if FFVII started off like you were in the middle of a conversation and didn't know how it started. Crisis Core helps to show that beginning.
The cut scene graphics in it are amazing. Hell, once you get to the end a FF fan will love the ending sequence. I believed that it was done to the best of anyone's abilities. Another way to say that is that it was simply a masterpiece. No better way.
Now I did not enjoy the final boss battle. I honestly felt as if it could have been a lot harder, but it was quite the dud of a fight. I am used to something that is the culmination of all of your hard work and skills that you have learned in the game. It must test how you use your items, spells, time, and strategy for a final reward. The End. Crisis Core didn't have that to it. They spent more time making the missions harder than the main story I believe which shows they are working on the idea that the main story should be easy, but those that want an extra challenge can go out and find it in the side quests. I don't like this. I want it to be all challenging. Make me work.
Crisis Core is also quite linear in terms of what you can do and where you can go. I like an open world concept. I like going wherever I want to go at any time. Crisis Core cuts your legs out from under you with that. Yes it is a PSP game so you can't go all epic like Fallout 3, but you could at least add some more areas to things. You spend most of your "exploring time" in missions, revisiting the same places over and over again that it gets hard to stomach.
Lets get down to it though. I will replay this game later on in life to get the 100% complete. I did have multiple saves so I could enjoy the different cut scenes in the game. I wanted to play this game to determine the pre-FFVII storyline. I don't think though I would replay it simply for the storyline again.
Zack is a bad ass. I do believe that any of the cool points that Cloud has were only given to him by Zack.
Plain and simple.