If any of this seems redundant its because I am not checking my earlier posts to see if I have talked at all about things.
I started this post on 10/24. I just started back on this on 11/1. Why?
Hurricane Sandy to be specific.
On October 26th, my birthday, my wife and I flew to DC so that she could run in the Marine Corps Marathon with her father. The race was on the 28th. We knew before heading up that Sandy was coming, however we knew the marathon had to go on. We were to leave to come back to Savannah on the evening of the 29th. All planned out and good to go.
On the 27th we started to get word that maybe we should move our plane back to after the race, but we wanted to spend time in DC with friends and family, and we thought we would be good on Monday evening. Mostly cause our brains were telling us that DC wasn't the direct target. I mean I have been through a couple of these things before and I know how to call a hurricane target.
So Sunday, October 28th arrives. My wife and her father wake up and they head out on the metro. They start the marathon at 7:55 and proceed to kick some ass. I met up with many friends, including we$$, and we went all over DC and VA on the metro and by foot to catch them at different points. It was so exciting to cheer them on. The adventure of tracking them and catching the right metro was great. I still remember the face my wife gave when she saw us around mile marker 22-23. She just had this surprised look like she didn't know we were going to be there. Then she smiled and we cheered her on. We met her at the final hill at the finish line and I even jogged with her some (I am sooo out of shape) to help her get through that last part. She finished around 5:50 and is officially a marathoner.
I really am proud of my wife for completing her first marathon. She is a marathoner. Thats so damn cool. I think I am more proud of her than I would be of anything else. Even completing this damn list. GO MARATHON WIFE!!!
If any of you would like to follow her blog you can check her out here. Its a great blog for people who like running, or want to know more about it.
Back to the matter at hand. Se we get back to the hotel and discover that OUR PLANES HAVE BEEN CANCELLED!!!.
NOOOOO. That cannot be. We had plans. We were going back. Alas, all the airports from DC and north of were shutdown starting Sunday night. We were stuck in DC until Thursday at the soonest. November 1st.
So after I got things squared away with work, and we found out we could stay in the hotel (2 bed/2 bath/ with a kitchen so it rocked), we settled down and decided to make the best of things. It was around this point that I realized that I was glad I brought Legend of Dragoon with me.
I started at this point during the downtime to really point some work into LoD. We would get trophies and spend time with we$$ in DC, but during the downtime when the wife and her father were resting or napping cause they were exhausted from the marathon, I would game like mad. I think I got a good solid 9 hours extra in on things. Which helped me to get pretty far. I have really kicked ass with the additions system and Dragoon levels.
Wait a second. What are the additions? Well, its something nifty that Square put in. Instead of most RPG fighting where you just click attack and your character does that, you are presented with a closing square that you have to hit the X button just in time to score an additional hit (ahhhhh see where addition comes from??). Additions don't just give you more SP that allows you to transform into a Dragoon, nor just causing a hell of a lot more damage, but it also breaks up the monotony of things. Yeah you can get through fights by just hitting the same button over and over and over again and not pay attention, but I have found that this can get old. Having to time things so you can get extra damage, plus have to level up your individual additions adds an extra uniqueness to things that keeps me interested. Your character don't gain that much when they level up like other games. Instead the real determining factor is how proficient one is with using additions. That is where you get your true strength from in the game. Even with Dragoon transformations, because you are so limited with what you can do when transformed you have more power with the use of additions.
So I find myself now on Disc 4, with almost all of the side stuff done. Like most RPG games grinding is what I am doing now. It can be draining on one though. Doing the same things over and over and over again is so BLAH at times. The additions system helps some, but I think I am going to finish the last side quest soon then head on to complete the game.
I loved this kid when I was a kid. It was amazing and I blew it up in my mind that this was the end all Square game that needed more advertisement than it actually got. I still think that Square could build a lot with the Dragoon series, but there are a lot of flaws in this game that I wouldn't have picked up as a wee lad. The translation for the game is kind of hard for me to get through. I don't know if it is that or something else but the storyline just seems to happen without any transitions. Things just happen and you have to go with it, no explanations at all. It can be a little disconcerting cause you have to just go with it. Blah. It can ruin the flow of things. I am doing one thing with the storyline and then suddenly I have to do something else just cause I was told to abruptly. I NEED BACK STORY PEOPLE!!!
I will keep people updated on things. I am hopping to have this game completed soon so I can get done with Battlestar: Galactica on Netflix. Then I can watch the new series online and read the books.
I have way too much on my to do lists
Why you ask?
I am lazy. The idea of combing through many posts of information makes me want to hurl right now.
Look. I had a long day yesterday. Had to spend about 10 hours on a bus travelling for work. It surely was a blast.
Time Travel Forward.
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Found at http://www.lightspeed.cx/ |
I started this post on 10/24. I just started back on this on 11/1. Why?
Well. I blame it on a bitch name Sandy.
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AP/Weather Underground - NOAA satellite image 10/28/2012 |
Hurricane Sandy to be specific.
On October 26th, my birthday, my wife and I flew to DC so that she could run in the Marine Corps Marathon with her father. The race was on the 28th. We knew before heading up that Sandy was coming, however we knew the marathon had to go on. We were to leave to come back to Savannah on the evening of the 29th. All planned out and good to go.
On the 27th we started to get word that maybe we should move our plane back to after the race, but we wanted to spend time in DC with friends and family, and we thought we would be good on Monday evening. Mostly cause our brains were telling us that DC wasn't the direct target. I mean I have been through a couple of these things before and I know how to call a hurricane target.
So Sunday, October 28th arrives. My wife and her father wake up and they head out on the metro. They start the marathon at 7:55 and proceed to kick some ass. I met up with many friends, including we$$, and we went all over DC and VA on the metro and by foot to catch them at different points. It was so exciting to cheer them on. The adventure of tracking them and catching the right metro was great. I still remember the face my wife gave when she saw us around mile marker 22-23. She just had this surprised look like she didn't know we were going to be there. Then she smiled and we cheered her on. We met her at the final hill at the finish line and I even jogged with her some (I am sooo out of shape) to help her get through that last part. She finished around 5:50 and is officially a marathoner.
I really am proud of my wife for completing her first marathon. She is a marathoner. Thats so damn cool. I think I am more proud of her than I would be of anything else. Even completing this damn list. GO MARATHON WIFE!!!
If any of you would like to follow her blog you can check her out here. Its a great blog for people who like running, or want to know more about it.
Back to the matter at hand. Se we get back to the hotel and discover that OUR PLANES HAVE BEEN CANCELLED!!!.
NOOOOO. That cannot be. We had plans. We were going back. Alas, all the airports from DC and north of were shutdown starting Sunday night. We were stuck in DC until Thursday at the soonest. November 1st.
So after I got things squared away with work, and we found out we could stay in the hotel (2 bed/2 bath/ with a kitchen so it rocked), we settled down and decided to make the best of things. It was around this point that I realized that I was glad I brought Legend of Dragoon with me.
I started at this point during the downtime to really point some work into LoD. We would get trophies and spend time with we$$ in DC, but during the downtime when the wife and her father were resting or napping cause they were exhausted from the marathon, I would game like mad. I think I got a good solid 9 hours extra in on things. Which helped me to get pretty far. I have really kicked ass with the additions system and Dragoon levels.
Wait a second. What are the additions? Well, its something nifty that Square put in. Instead of most RPG fighting where you just click attack and your character does that, you are presented with a closing square that you have to hit the X button just in time to score an additional hit (ahhhhh see where addition comes from??). Additions don't just give you more SP that allows you to transform into a Dragoon, nor just causing a hell of a lot more damage, but it also breaks up the monotony of things. Yeah you can get through fights by just hitting the same button over and over and over again and not pay attention, but I have found that this can get old. Having to time things so you can get extra damage, plus have to level up your individual additions adds an extra uniqueness to things that keeps me interested. Your character don't gain that much when they level up like other games. Instead the real determining factor is how proficient one is with using additions. That is where you get your true strength from in the game. Even with Dragoon transformations, because you are so limited with what you can do when transformed you have more power with the use of additions.
So I find myself now on Disc 4, with almost all of the side stuff done. Like most RPG games grinding is what I am doing now. It can be draining on one though. Doing the same things over and over and over again is so BLAH at times. The additions system helps some, but I think I am going to finish the last side quest soon then head on to complete the game.
I loved this kid when I was a kid. It was amazing and I blew it up in my mind that this was the end all Square game that needed more advertisement than it actually got. I still think that Square could build a lot with the Dragoon series, but there are a lot of flaws in this game that I wouldn't have picked up as a wee lad. The translation for the game is kind of hard for me to get through. I don't know if it is that or something else but the storyline just seems to happen without any transitions. Things just happen and you have to go with it, no explanations at all. It can be a little disconcerting cause you have to just go with it. Blah. It can ruin the flow of things. I am doing one thing with the storyline and then suddenly I have to do something else just cause I was told to abruptly. I NEED BACK STORY PEOPLE!!!
I will keep people updated on things. I am hopping to have this game completed soon so I can get done with Battlestar: Galactica on Netflix. Then I can watch the new series online and read the books.
I have way too much on my to do lists
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