Sunday, January 27, 2013

Update on my whereabouts

Damnit I did it again.

I have been gone.

Well.  I have been absent is the best way to describe things.

My last post was on December 18th.  So I think I should update things since around that time.

First, at the beginning of December my wonderful wife finally got a job in the school system here.  It is something that has been a longtime coming.  For 4 years now she has been working her butt off and got the recognition that she deserves.
Now with this we had to figure out our schedules since she wouldn't be at home to look after the pup.  So I got used to being up every morning and taking the dog on amazing walks, plus having to deal with work.

Second, because she suddenly got a job in December I still had to work all the extra shifts in the mornings and weekends that I had already signed up for.  Since I had been doing a lot of part time work to help cover things at home while we figured out things with our jobs, I would sign up for work the month beforehand.  So I had a lot of days that I was working.  I did so much thought that I was exhausted and getting burned out on a lot of things.

Third, my workload with my regular job was picking up with the end of season things for winter sports coming up, plus having to get things ready for the spring season.  I was just going a million miles a minute for a long time.

Combine all of that, plus the fact that I still have been going strong through January with work, I have been just trying to catch up with rest.

I have had a lot of my mornings to myself and thats when I get a lot of my gaming done.  Don't worry.  I got through Assassins Creed: Revelations this month, which I am excited about.  I will be working on that review soon.

I also have some other announcements as well.  Got some charity work that I am going to work on, and some other updates as well.

The next two days I am doing testing in my office all day long.  The problem is it takes very little time to do the testing, but the periods of research are sporadic.  This leads to much downtime.  I will easily get all of my other paperwork done, but I plan to spend time updating this here blog, plus playing some PSP games.

Stay tuned for some fun

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