Sunday, October 14, 2012

Been a long time...

God it has been a long time.

An exceedingly long period of counting that concerns seconds, minutes, hours, days, weeks, months, years, decades, etc. has passed.

And I have been nowhere to usher those (oh few you are) through the journey that we call completing a shitload of bad investments.

Lets do a little self imposed Q&A on what has happened:

Where the flying f**ktards have you been?
Well kids, I have been here, at my computer.  Also over yonder on the couch.  And upstairs sleeping in the bed.  Plus there is hanging with the wife and the pup.  Oh, and that work thing.  Blah to work I say.

There be an issue with the work thing?
Well, work has been pretty intense lately.  There was a chance that the wife and I would be moving but things unfortunately fell through.  So I have been picking up some extra shifts at work in the morning to make some extra cash.

Ok, I am bummed for you since things haven't gone well.  Have you kept up on the games?
Heck yeah.


...ehhh.  To the best that I can.  With so much work lately I have tried to do my best to get through the list.  I will also say that I fell prey to the Steam Summer Sales program (maybe one of my biggest enemies) and I got some games off of that for my PC.  At least I got a great deal on them.

Over the months I have been working as consistent as I can with getting through the games (always insert title when you can).  I use Backloggery as my main tracker of all my games.  I routinely praise them for such a great site, and they deserve it.  Its so simple and easy to use.  Nothing complicated or annoying notifications that you get at all hours of the day.  This is one of the main reasons why I haven't been keeping up with my blog really.  Cause my thinking was I could just update things on my Backloggery page and those that really wanted to could follow me there.

Ok.  So why decide now to start back on the blog?
Well I can only do so much with Backloggery.  I like to write out my thoughts sometimes.  Elaborate on what my brain and feelings are saying to those out there in cyberland.  Those are really the main reasons.
I think I also have some grand delusion of being famous on the internet for something that does not involve a sex tape.

Note: I do not have a sex tape on the web.

The Q&A session is now over.

Let me catch you up on things.  I have completed a handful of games, added a good amount of games.  And I am carrying on.  That is all that one needs to know.  I am going to update the List so it reflects what is going on.  I should have a new post in the next couple of days.

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