Friday, February 17, 2012

Bad to the core, rule updates

I don't think I could get into the battle system found in Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII with the slot machine like mechanic.  It just does not appeal to me that much.

The game itself is very good, and the prequel element of it for FFVII is great.  It is a story that needed some background established and Crisis Core helped to do that (it did not do it completely and thus I don't consider it a be all end all set up, but still good).

The reason I don't like this damn slot machine thing is because I like to level up when I am supposed to level.  Yes the system does that automatically for you so you don't have to wait, however when it comes to materia level up I feel as if the system is almost completely random for it.  That does not make me happy.  Not one bit.

I have been casting Thundara over and over and over for about 30 minutes and still nothing.  It has been on enemies that are challenging for me, so I ruled out that possibility.  So what the hell is the reason then?

It is so damn frustrating.  The summoning aspect of it is a bitch until you get the items that help to boost the chances of you getting that roll, but even still.  There are some fights where I am really killing myself for a summon.

Maybe its big over in Japan, but its not my liking.  That says something since I like many game elements that have been brought over from the land of the rising sun.

Things have to be different from the usual FF battle system since it is more action/adventure then RPG than the other games (except FFXII and on).  But those games were able to tie a pretty decent battle system into place without having to rely on chance.

And if you know me I hate relying on chance.  It angers me.  And you won't like me when I am angry.

The good news about it is that I am in the final area of the game.  You might be thinking why didn't I start back over on this game like I said I would for any game that I play on the list.  The simple reason is that I do remember the story, and the last time I had played it was in December.  I am currently working on all the side missions that you can do to get some cool items and level up.  I am currently level 57, and from what I have found that might be a little overleveled.

No biggy.  I am a big fan of the overkill.

In other news, I wanted to further explain the grouping system that I set up.  I explained this earlier but I will reiterate.
Each group has 3 systems on it and FFXI.  Thus there are four games per group.  Handheld, Console, PC, FFXI (usually addon missions, quests, and whatnot).  Crisis Core is in Group I as a Handheld.  Once I beat it I can advance to the Handheld game in Group II, and then Group III.  Same for the other games.  I however cannot advance past the groups that I have setup (currently Groups I-III are created).

Why do this you ask?  Very simple.  I beat 3 handheld games, now I need to work on the other systems.  It makes me work on the list more because I will not create another Group (thus Group IV) until I have crossed off an entire Group (thus beaten all games in Group I).

Its all about accountability and I like that.  I need that not just for this blog but just in general.

Some games will be like Crisis Core in terms of me completing them quickly.  Other however will require a fresh start and will take longer.  This will in turn require me to put my nose to the grindstone.  Not too much that I won't enjoy the game itself, but just enough so that I do not become distracted with other things.

I believe that it has lots of potential.

"...go fill up a glass with tonic rocks..."

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