Going to try this out and see how it works:
Currently Playing:
Star Ocean: First Departure - PSP
Ni No Kuni: Wrath of the White Witch - PS3
Final Fantasy XIV: ARR - PC
I think for each Sunday post that I do I will start of with these "stats" to give just a gist of what I have played this week. There are plenty of other games that I am currently playing, however these are just the ones I have touched this week. Maybe even to make it "SPARKLE" we can do this:
Currently Playing:
Star Ocean: First Departure - PSP

Ni No Kuni: Wrath of the White Witch - PS3

Currently Playing:
Star Ocean: First Departure - PSP
Ni No Kuni: Wrath of the White Witch - PS3
Final Fantasy XIV: ARR - PC
I think for each Sunday post that I do I will start of with these "stats" to give just a gist of what I have played this week. There are plenty of other games that I am currently playing, however these are just the ones I have touched this week. Maybe even to make it "SPARKLE" we can do this:
Currently Playing:
Star Ocean: First Departure - PSP
Ni No Kuni: Wrath of the White Witch - PS3
Final Fantasy XIV: ARR - PC
I think that adds a lot of color to the blog? Pictures are fun!! Some concerns that I have had is the fact that I don't put too many pictures or images in my posts, but this is usually due to me not having screenshots available for the games. That or sheer laziness.
I think I will also start working an extra post in here or there on top of my Sunday updates. I am debating if I should do my Sunday posts where I talk about my take on issues with games or my random thoughts (somewhat philosophical) while giving an overview of my progress through the week. This would allow me to talk about individual games I am playing during the week when I have thoughts about them. If it is something that I can hold myself to then I think it will work out perfectly. My game coverages are going to decrease after tomorrow since my teams only have State Playoffs left and those are once/twice a week starting in May. We probably won't even go that far and then I will have a lot more time to concentrate on thinking.
This post will be different though and we will start things up next week. Today I just wanted to let you all know of these changes since I announced stuff last week. Changes are a comin. Let everyone know!!