Sunday, October 27, 2013

Catching up is hard to do

Work life, personal life, all life has been busy.  Thats no real excuse, however it will have to suffice for now.

I am in between seasons at work (which is nice) and I have been running around like a mad man catching up on work and playing some games.

Add to the fact that I just had my birthday (yesterday, 10/26 to be exact) and I got some cool things for it, I am going to update this here blog.

I am also impressed and found some drive to do so from a blog I found through a person I met through Twitter.  Seems like a decent man (still haven't ruled out the whole serial killer angle, but who knows).  Him and his wife have a blog over @ and I think everyone should check it out.  I am impressed by it.  They actually have taken time to design things and make it look pretty.  Unlike me and my "Just throw it up there and the people may come".

Anyways, stay tuned