Seriously. Wow.
It has been way too long since I worked on this. Why have I been gone?
Kidnapped? No.
Murdered? Clearly no.
Turned into a tree hugger and decided to give up all modern technology? HAHAHAHAHAHAH. No.
Its a mixture of reasons really. I haven't felt a huge drive to really write about things. I haven't really even played that many games really. Mostly just FFXI until I played Diablo for a couple of hours yesterday. That got me going again. Got that urge flowing. That need to escape. I am such a damn junkie.
My computer had also been on the fritz for awhile as well. I had a driver issue between iTunes, my game keyboard, and some other things so I ended up just redoing my windows 7 installation. Now I have no problems. I am soo damn happy for that.
The final reason has been things at work have been chaotic. As of right now there is a good chance that I might not have a job come July 1st, and the stress level is insane. And by insane I mean:
Things have started to look a little better on the job front, and there is a good chance that the wife and I (and of course Jacob) will be making a move somewhere, but that won't be decided until later.
With all that established I just want to quickly summarize things. I have gotten quite a bit in FFIV. I am currently underground, and I have discovered that Cid did not actually die. So at least one less death. HAHA
FFXI has gone well. I went to town and I got my SAM up to level 60 and that is amazing. I am really liking that job and will keep you updated on that.
I put much time into Diablo like I said and I made it to floor 5 with no problems. Going to grind for awhile there and then will keep moving on down.
Sorry about the short post. More will come. I swear.