Saturday, March 24, 2012

Holy Fish!!! (Mackeral)

I know I have been away for awhile and that is in part due to work.  I have been working a lot of late night games and events that I get home exhausted.  Once that occurs I just don't feel like putting words onto paper (screen).

I was checking up on things today with the blog, thinking of a post when I saw that I have surpassed 2000 views. WOW!!!

I know that most of this might be spam sites.  I need to figure out how to counteract that activity.  However still. I am impressed.

Now what have been up to lately??  Well.  I have been working a lot on FFIV, and on Assassin's Creed.  I have been working on FFXI too since We$$ is able to get on more now.  I am trying though to keep my play time on FFXI down so I won't get absorbed into that too much and forget about everything else.

I have been working hard on AC lately.  I have decided to get a complete on it since it will be my first complete since I started using Backloggery.  I have been working a lot on my Backloggery page.  If you wanted to keep up with my daily progress it is the best way to go about it.  I posted a link to my page on the links section of my blog.

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Exchange Rates

I have been thinking for awhile and I believe that it times for some changing.

Not some big life changing thing, nor a mid-life crisis.  Heck I am only 26.  Not there yet.

No, I need to juggle up my groups a little bit in terms of the console selection.

Currently I have Final Fantasy XIII-2 on the playlist, however I think I need to change that.  I just beat FFV and Crisis Core, and I am currently playing FFIV.  I also am working a lot on FFXI so I feel like I am just surrounded by fantasies that are all final (joke joke).

Seriously though.  I never thought I might get sick of Final Fantasy games.  I love the series.  Thats very easily known.  However I need a change though, especially on the console side of things.

I think the best thing to do is to switch FFXIII-2 out with Assassin's Creed.  I never did play the first game in that series and I now have that plus Assassin's Creed: Revelations.  So what I plan to do is to start playing AC.  Then after that see how I am feeling and reevaluate if I want to start up FFXIII-2 again.  I know for Group III I have FFVI slated to play.  I am going to see about changing that as well whenever I get to it.

FFVI has been something that I have been debating on what to do.  I do own it for GBA and I am pretty far on it.  I know the story of it however I am willing to restart it again.  If I did that I would want to purchase it for the PSP and play on there.  I do favor playing handhelds on my PSP and when I get the chance I like to play games on it.

However do I really want to spend money on something that I already have??

Friday, March 9, 2012

Knight on!!

Things have been a little slow lately.  I blame it on the fact that I have been pretty stuck on my comp as of late just making sure that the final adjustments are made and everything is running properly (i.e. testing its processor power in many ways, including FFXI and Half-Life at the same time).

Because of this I have been having issues committing to playing FFXIII-2.  That and the fact that I have been working every night since last Thursday and that will continue until Tuesday.  I haven't had the drive to really sit down and get working on FFXIII-2.  Since I am in the beginning stages of the game it does require a lot of effort to go through all the tutorials and get the basics of the story down.  My hope is to do that next week, however I have been contemplating switching it out for Assassin's Creed (AC) so I can not be completely over FFed.  I still have sometime however to make that decision.

Instead lets focus on FFIV.  I had made a lot of progress with FFIV awhile ago, but then as always I stopped playing it for awhile.  I tried my best to figure out what was happening in the game but I could not for the life of me figure out things.  Thus I decided to delete a 30 hour saved game so I could start from scratch.

I like the story of Cecil and his journey of being a Dark Knight and finding the "Light Side".  I love the Dark Knight job and its mystery that surrounds it.  Also the armor for it is pretty damn sweet.  Its my second favorite job in FFXI as well.

Its pretty late now and I think that I am going to call it a night.  However I will have more to talk about as I play further along.  I got a 2 hour one way bus ride tomorrow, so I will have enough time to play on.

Sunday, March 4, 2012

Sorry about the delay, but good news

A week ago my desktop died.

I was mad.  Really mad in fact.  My hard drive seemed to have corrupted again and it would not boot through. This had been probably the 4th time it had done this and I knew that I could just keep cycling of formatting, reinstall everything, and then it crash again.

So after talking with my wonderful wife we spent the money needed and I got my computer parts for my new build.  YAY!!!

Once I got them in I spent about 2.5 hours of painstaking, massive concentration requiring, building of the computer.  I followed the manuals and the videos for building that provides (available here) and was able to put it all together.

Then I turned it on and...


I was soooo excited.  I could barely contain myself.

Once I got that done I searched for anyone that might be able to get me a copy of Windows 7, however that failed.  So I broke down and bought it.  Got it installed yesterday and have been working on copying all my data over to it today.

Man, this comp is fast.  I mean really damn fast.  Its pretty much exactly what I wanted.  My wife has told me that I need to geek out more but I am afraid that if I don't contain myself it would burst like a dam and I will never stop.  wheeeeeeeeeeeee

I have yet to test FFXI or any other games on it but I can only imagine how fast it will be once I get them up and running.  I can't wait to play games without having to put things on the lowest setting.  ahhhh  going to be so nice to do.

I really do like Win7 though.  Don't get me wrong.  I would probably get XP tattooed on me if I wanted to.  I will always have that as my favorite OS.  Hands down greatest thing Microsoft has done in the last decade or so.  Win7 though is not buggy to me.  Well, not yet.  It is very clean and bright.  Easy to read.  Warm and inviting even.

I know the history of Vista and all, and I am glad to see that this doesn't have all those issues with it.

Now, in terms of the games.  I have started FFXII-2 and I am still trying to figure out what exactly I want to say about its beginning.  It will be a good post.  I have also been working on FFIV as well and you will see those posts soon.  I promise.

As for now, I am going to keep fiddling with AMAZINGNESS!!!!